Nuffnang Code

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

30 Things You Should Do/Know Before Turning 30!

Disclaimer : This is NOT a new year resolution post. 

I can't believe that this is happening so soon... Where did my 20's go to?? I can still remember when I turned 20. And all of a sudden I will be 30? Thirty?? The BIG 3-0??? Ok Rathi, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. Age is just a number! Oh, who am I kidding! 

Damn, I can't believe it, I will be turning 30 in 2014! I hate 2014 just for that. 

I have two choices though. Mop around till Sept 2014, orrrrrr, I can learn how to embrace it. I choose the latter. (have always been cup-half-full person). 

Going to be 30, soon. Hyperventilating! I digress. 

Anyway, here's 30 things I think you should do/have done before turning 30, based on experience of yours truly. (inspired by 25 Things I've Learned In 25 Years). 

Drum roll please (in random order)... : 

1. Learn to respect yourself before you expect people to respect you. 

2. Go away for at least 1 trip every 3 months (doesn't matter if it is just 1 night stay at a hotel in a nearby town, i.e at Penang if staying in Kulim. Just saying.) 

3. Learn to allocate time for family and friends and not just work. 

4. Learn to allocate 'me time' at least 3 - 4 times a week (even if it is just a mere 30mins per session). 

5. Don't hold grudges, life is too short for all that. 

6. Learn to forgive no matter how hard it is. 

7. Always remember that "this will also pass", immaterial if it is a good or a bad thing. 

8. Believe that there's true love out there (if you have not found yours yet). 

9. Laugh when in distress. It helps, believe me. 

10. Learn to let go. No point clinging and pining on someone or something which is not worth. 

11. That life is tough, but you are always tougher. 

12. Be spontaneous, sometimes the best experiences in life happens unplanned. 

13. Give without expecting anything in return. Be selfless. (not easy, but do-able)

14. Know that there will always be people who are not happy with you, but also know that you can't possibly please everyone. 

15. Be happy with what you have and learn not to compare. There are some people out there who are less fortunate than you are. 

16. Help a stranger in need (if it is absolutely save, I am not asking you to stop your car in the middle of the night to help a stalled car!)

17. Don't regret for what has happened, there's always a reason for everything. 

18. Live life day by day, you are not god, you can't predict the future. 

19. Start a small saving account and consistently contribute to it. (with more commitments coming in future, a little savings can go a long way...)

20. Learn how to be independent. 

21. Believe in yourself even when others don't. 

22. Make at least 1 person laugh/smile each day. Life will be much better. 

23. Say "I Love You" more often to the people you love. 

24. Love and be comfortable with your body and take good care of it.  

25. Sacrifice something for your loved ones (no, not your life). 

26. Be realistic with goals. You can't buy a Ferrari if you are earning RM2k per month. 

27. Donate regularly to those who are in need (blood, money, books, food). 

28. Don't stop dreaming. 

29. Re-kindle an old friendship which has died down.

30. Finally, be true to yourself in all kind of situation. If you start cheating yourself then what is there to life? 

I can go on and on and on. 30 is just a small number after all (consoling myself). 

These are things I've learnt based on experience, some mine, some of people around me. They may be trivial but important. These are things we over-look  most of the time. But, above all, what matters most is; be yourself, be comfortable, don't pretend. So that, no matter if you turn 30 or 300, life will always be good. ;-)


  1. Thanks for the list, very inspiring :) I turn 30 this year, too (hence why I'm here)...let's embrace it!

  2. Hi Maz, so nice of you to drop a comment. Let's embrace it yah! ;-)
